How To Live Happily In The Hardest Day

When you’re feeling low, it can be hard to find the motivation to get up and face your day with a smile on your face. You might feel like no one understands or cares about what you’re going through, which leads to feeling hopeless and powerless. In these times of despair, remember life is not just one big mess but many little pieces that fit together to form something beautiful.

Here are 6 tips to help you live happily even when you need them most.

1. Write down what you’re grateful for every day.

We all have good days and bad days, but it makes a huge difference in how we treat ourselves. If you don’t write out all the things you’re thankful for each time you wake up, you’ll never have enough reasons to feel happy again. Writing them down will make you realize how lucky you are to have all those positive moments, and you will start to make the decisions and take actions to keep those good moments going. Plus, just writing them down will help you learn what grateful thoughts you have and build upon them so they become stronger daily!

2. Remember why you woke up this morning.

Sometimes, we wake up because something important has happened to us. It could be work deadlines, family emergencies, health issues, etc. Whatever reason it may be, you need to think about why you woke up in the first place. Is there anything good to come from it? Try writing it down as well. Now you know something good happened for you, why won’t it always feel that way to you? Make sure your gratitude journal stays with you and it gives you reason to stay present when everything seems out of control. This reminder will give you stability, knowing the next time things go against you, you’ll have something good to do instead of letting yourself sink into despair.

3. Know who you are and know who you want to be.

When you’re thinking about what to write down this morning, ask “who am I?” Every human needs this question before beginning any task. Get clear about what you love, what you want to achieve, and how far you’ve come. Knowing who you are mentally and emotionally helps you be more consistent in taking action when you want change. No matter where you are at now or what has been happening in your life, having an idea of what you can accomplish in the future is what keeps you motivated. Acknowledging yourself and having a plan is what gets you started and keeps you moving forward towards completing the bigger picture. As long as you know who you are, you’ll know who you need to be to complete these tasks. Being aware of your goals helps you see how close and close you can get to achieving them. So, whether it’s getting a promotion to help pay off student debt, finishing a book or podcast project, starting a new business, or meeting someone you know, set small goals that you can work toward, so you won’t get overwhelmed by the bigger picture. Once your goals are in place, you can move forward with confidence to achieve them!

4. Take deep breaths.

A few minutes of relaxation is key to living a happier life. Practicing yoga and breathing techniques will release stress hormones and calm your mind. Taking care of yourself physically by eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water, working out on your own, or sleeping enough will also lead to less stressed states which will create better mental clarity. Taking care of your emotional state is another crucial factor in living a truly happy life. For example, if you feel anxious or angry all the time, doing some self-care each day can take away some of those feelings. Spend some quality time in nature in nature, do some exercise, meditate, or play with others. Doing something relaxing and active throughout the day will help you improve your mood and keep you awake enough to focus and work towards your dreams!

5. Be grateful for the small things in your life.

Being kind to yourself every day and being grateful for what you have will make you happier. Gratitude is also the key to happiness. Everyone is different, and each person has their own outlook and perspective on life. But, you can try putting things in perspective such as giving your dog attention or doing good deeds for other people around you. These things not only give you a sense of satisfaction and comfort, but they are also examples of how you show your appreciation and gratitude to those around you. Another great way to look on the bright side is expressing your gratitude to people you care about and appreciate them. Showing gratitude to loved ones is very therapeutic in helping to reduce anxiety and depression. Expressing gratitude to strangers that offer a kind word, helpful hand, or thoughtful compliment can make you feel much closer to people and allow them to trust you. Treat yourself to special gifts to express your heartfelt gratitude and to receive a boost of positivity!

6. Give yourself grace.

No matter what situation you’re in right now, you deserve it in terms of both mental and physical well-being. Accepting your circumstances will help you acknowledge your strength and remind you of how strong you really are! Although we all experience rough patches at times, there are ways in which we can handle difficult situations and remain in the moment. Letting go of our emotions and accepting the reality that life is full of ups and downs and that sometimes things are out of our control, can help us make fewer mistakes. With acceptance, we’ll be able to accept new experiences and new opportunities to learn and grow. There’s nothing wrong with giving ourselves grace, as we’re just human too. We all make mistakes, and we all fall short of expectations. However, by recognizing the mistakes of others and learning from them, we’re making progress and becoming better the next time around. By acknowledging it, we are also showing compassion and kindness to others and strengthening relationships in general. Learning from adversity can show us lessons we can use to improve ourselves and to make the lives of others healthier. Instead of reacting in anger or frustration, let it motivate you to continue growing and growing.

In conclusion, these simple tips can help you turn those tough times into a brighter ones. Sometimes it’s hard to do the right things or feel hopeful when you’re in a bad mood. Your environment can often prevent you from reaching that goal, like losing hope with the amount of garbage and trash surrounding you. Living in a comfortable environment and surrounded by friends and family is the best solution. Having a home or a comfy space in which to do your work can help, especially if you have specific projects to tend to. Don’t forget to clean up after yourself and practice mindful cleaning for better results. Start building relationships with people who support you and encourage you when you’re struggling. Feel free to reach out to me for more advice or questions in regards to keeping a happier life in your head!